Our Caregivers
Our Caregivers receive ongoing support and are closely supervised 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
They love the work that they do and look forward to assisting you with your home care needs
Our Caregivers are highly trained, compassionate, caring individuals who have a passion for providing support services in all areas of life. From light housekeeping to the intimacies of full personal care our Caregivers are dedicated to your well-being and comfort.
We believe in continuity of care and will match Caregivers that can meet the needs of your individualized care plan and continue to send the same faces to your home for your comfort.
Our Caregivers are supervised and a Supervisor is always on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist if necessary.
To ensure that our CAREgivers are able to provide high quality care we provide ongoing training opportunities to keep their skills fresh and knowledge up to date. We have a full training facility on site that includes a classroom, full personal care room including bathroom and kitchen.
We hire LPN’s, CCA’s, Personal Support Workers, Health Care Aids and Homemakers.
Our CAREgivers are the heart of our service. They love the work that they do and look forward to assisting you with your home care needs.
Our CAREgivers are provided ongoing training in:

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care
Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care
Palliative/End of Life Care

Full Personal Care
Cooking Skills
Food Handlers

Medication Awareness
Occupational Health & Safety
Colotomy Care
Catheter Care
Falls Prevention

Occupational Health & Safety
Grief Counselling
Mental Health First Aid
Dealing with Difficult Behaviors